
Should we organize you a wedding talked of
in all the world or you would prefer it in a more intimate way?
And how should it look like? Exquisite!
For a wedding is the celebration and
proclamation of the most beautiful recognition of all life:
I have found whom I have been looking for!

And since there is no two women alike or men alike,
the word 'exquisite' means different to everyone.

What I may help you is to make you find the way you mean 'exquisite'.

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I believe in a wedding that is actually about You and for You. However we can fill the day with nice, traditional or modern elements, the Day will be Yours only if it tells your story. Recounts you, shows you and gives the guests something out of you.

My favorite part in organizing is the beginning - the phase of planning. There one finds the moment that tells this is going to be something different! For it is different every time. It has to be different. It is a great passion and ardor for me to dive into the unraveling and the achieving of this. It is vital for me to make you perceive right from the beginning that organizing and preparing a wedding ceremony is gorgeous! It should not be about nervousness, stress, deadlines - all organizational duties that require skill and expertise on the field of events would be released from obligation. Though so many things remain there for you! The beautiful and the exciting part of it, for yes, this may be an all-smile unclouded adventure for you in case there is somebody to hold your hands and sometimes lead you to the right direction.

During my works in past years I have experienced that besides enthusiasm, it requires knowledge, information, contacts and expertise to secure that You may experience the preparations for the wedding in a stressless and enjoyable way. And when the eagerly expected day comes, the celebration of You two, you would be able to relive it in an intimate way together with all the wedding guests.

Dreams are not about currency to be calculated in Excel tables. Be it any type or magnitude of a wedding, the ones that grasp the actual importance of this day would only make do with the best that perfectly suits your notion.

Inventing and smuggling those tiny little details that would make the whole event of your wedding particular, one-off and which would tell that unrepeatble story of yours is a cloudless adventure for You and a challenge meaning the essence of my work for me. As a result of an organized and managed attentiveness with an eye on everything, completed by a collective creating, the day of your wedding will not be saturated with hurry, flurry, dates and control, but will be about what it ought to: you two and each other. It will turn out to be an easygoing feast, and by the end of my job, having been a part of your joy will be a special present for me.

Andrea Vágvölgyi

I think, in one form or another, every girl had the 'world of weddings' included in her dreams. I have come from a totally different field, Human Resource Management, though there is an intersection - there I would deal with people as well, with an endless zeal. The past few years have passed in an intensive way, I could take part in organizing weddings that were unique of their kind. This world not only means a job for me, but also creativity, challenge, pleasure and confidence. I like being in the backstage for the whole event on, from the very first meeting to the last dance at dawn. I like the way the pieces of the puzzle combine into a rounded whole, a colorful big picture with our help during these months. I believe nothing is by chance: "particular locations, colors, scents and music― nice couples who start off on the route by us― new dreams come true―” these are the reasons I am in the right place!"

Dorina Csepeli

Anasztázia & Gábor

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Dear Andi, It's rather hard to express the infinite gratitude and thanks that we feel for your having conjured the most beautiful day of our lives into THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY OF OUR LIVES indeed. Thank you for your endurance, your patience, your smartness, the fact that you could really keep on thinking, acting and resolving everything in my stead while I was having one of my firs of fury. The only thing I can do is recommending you to everyone I know, for the help you provided us by relieving us of the burden of organizing and thus letting us actually enjoy this marvelous day, is just inestimable. I wish You lots and lots of weddings and I hope several other couples will have the luck of having the privilege of You helping them achieve the wedding of their dreams! Millions of kisses, Mosonyi-Dombai Anasztázia & Mosonyi Gábor

Anasztázia & Gábor

Dear Andi,
It's rather hard to express the infinite gratitude and thanks that we feel for your having conjured the most beautiful day of our lives into THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY OF OUR LIVES indeed. Thank you for your endurance, your patience, your smartness, the fact that you could really keep on thinking, acting and resolving everything in my stead while I was having one of my firs of fury. The only thing I can do is recommending you to everyone I know, for the help you provided us by relieving us of the burden of organizing and thus letting us actually enjoy this marvelous day, is just inestimable. I wish You lots and lots of weddings and I hope several other couples will have the luck of having the privilege of You helping them achieve the wedding of their dreams! Millions of kisses,

Mosonyi-Dombai Anasztázia & Mosonyi Gábor

Fanni & Kalóz

Drága Andi,
Remélem elhiszed, hogy még mindig sokat gondolok Rád, és már a kislányunknak is megmutattam az esküvői videót, ami persze őt nem annyira érdekelte, én viszont minden alkalommal könnyek közt nézem, anyukámnak a mai napig az esküvői vegyes képek mennek a számítógépén ? Most is pontosan tudom, milyen érzés volt meglátni Téged a tömegben a templom előtt és megkönnyezni, hogy na végre megnyugodhatok, minden rendben lesz, elengedhetem magam, mert Te figyelsz az egész napra!!!! Pár sorban nehéz lenne leírni, ami bennem van úgy Veled és mindennel kapcsolatban, de az, hogy egész nap semmin nem kellett aggódnom, minden úgy volt, ahogy megbeszéltük, figyeltél rám/ránk, hogy mit szeretnénk, gyönyörű helyszínt hoztál nekünk, egy szuper szolgáltatói csapatot, és ezt mind Neked köszönhetjük! Ha még egyszer férjhez mennék, azonnal hívnálak, bár ez nincs tervbe véve! És bevallom, bármennyiszer átélném újra és újra, ha lehetne! ? Huhh, ez azt hiszem kicsit érzelgősre sikerült, de nem is hiszed Andi még ennyi idő után is mennyire bennem él az az egész szervezés és maga nap! Sokszor puszilunk,

Fehér Fanny és Kaló Zoltán

Gyöngyös & Csabi

Dear Andi!
Our wedding has been a unforgettable experience and not only for us but for all guests on the bridal party as well. We just couldn't have any wish you wouldn't accomplish, starting with the wonderful location at the Lake Balaton, through the custom-made ceremony we had, to the squealer cookout and the folk-tale patterned birdy wedding cake and so on and so on! The whole story was so round and whole :) And we just cannot be grateful enough for You, since you could manage to achieve all within a short span of one month and a half. And when the Great Day came, everything was at place, not a single trifle missed and we and our family could prepare ourselves calmly and we could live all momentums of the wedding – for you unburdened from us all the troubles of organizing. We only dreamt of it, collated with You, decided and we said "I do"... ... and we enjoyed all moments of it! Thank you!

Gyöngyös and Csabi

Ildi & Gábor

Dear Andi,
We have arrived, though the only thing we can talk about is the wedding – it was so marvelous, everybody was so delighted about the organizing and the ship and everything! Thank you very much for the immense work you put in it with body and soul to make our dreams come true, and the strenuous and earnest work to help our wedding come true – the wedding we'd been dreaming of for years! You unburdened from us many troubles, so on the day of the wedding all we had to pay attention to was to feel good. You didn't force on us anything we didn't want, moreover, you helped us realize all of our ideas, you gave us many-many profitable advises and we could trustingly rely upon your experience and competence. We are extremely lucky to have had You in preparing for the most perfect day of our foregoing lives! Also our parents are very grateful! Once again, thank you for everything!

Ildikó Borza and Gábor Zentai

Lilla & Tomi

Szia Drága Andika!
Szeretném Neked megköszönni kettőnk nevében, hogy egyik "fő-kémikusa" voltál a kísérletnek, amelyben létrehoztátok a leggyönyörűbb és legbiztonságosabb Varázsgömböt. A varázsgömböt, amiben egy közös,új, igazi élet kezdődött el; a varázsgömböt,ami úgy ragyog,hogy bárki ránéz,elfogja az irigység és feltétlenül ilyet szeretne:). Talán közhelynek tűnik,de tényleg szívből gondolom,hogy Nélküled és a szuper kis csapat nélkül ez nem jött volna létre. Hihetetlenül sokat segítettél,és a készülődésben egyetlen egyszer sem volt olyan pillanat,amikor csalódnunk kellett volna. Mindenki azt mondja, tökéletes esküvő nem létezik, hát a miénk az volt!!! Nem számított az időjárás, nem számított semmi sem, mert minden úgy zajlott, ahogy azt mi ketten Tomival megálmodtuk! Valóra váltottad az álmunkat, s mindenki mástól csak a dicsérő szavakat halljuk,miközben büszkén dagad a mellünk, hogy igen, a legjobb Esküvőszervező Hölgyet választottuk! El se tudod képzelni, hogy milyen jó visszahallani a rengeteg pozitív visszajelzést a vendégektől! Biztosan tudod, minden családban vannak nagy kritikusok, hát nálunk a két család legnagyobb kritikusai sem találtak egyetlen egy apró hibát sem! Mindenkinek elmondjuk, hogy mennyire ügyes voltál, és minden a Te kezed alatt összpontosult, és mindenre emlékeztél, mindent megvalósítottál. Nézegettük a család által kapott képeket, minden fontos pillanatban ott voltál a háttérben, mindenben segítettél, el se tudom képzelni, hogy mi lett volna, ha Te nem vagy!! De nem is akarom. Azt kívánom Neked, és minden ismerősömnek, aki még a nagy nap előtt áll, hogy csak Veled beszéljenek, és annyi de annyi ismerősöm esküvőjét szervezd meg,amennyit csak lehet, mert akkor biztos lehetek abban,hogy az ő álmuk is valóra válhat! Csak maradj mindig ilyen talpraesett, magabiztos és mosolygós "Tündér", és alkoss rengeteg Varázsgömböt a szuper kis csapatoddal együtt! A végén csak annyit szeretnék mondani: KÖSZÖNÖM !!!

Balog-Biri Lilla és Balog Tamás

Szilva & Tomi

Dear Andi and Dorina!
Once again we'd like to thank you the many-many help we got from you, for without you our Great Day wouldn't have been so excellent =) I'VE ADORED our wedding! =) And ALL guests had a good time! Thank you, the Tóths =)


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Dear Andi, We've always wanted a unique and cozy wedding with multiple venues and diverse programs that represents us the most, and one that makes us and our guests feel gorgeously. We knew it was going to be a difficult and complex job impossible to effect without a wedding organizer. At the same time we worried that the wedding we planned to have few guests for being cozy would not be undertaken by anybody. But you took sides with us from the beginning, supported all of our ideas and took over the difficult parts of organizing. All the while, we were who made the decisions, you took all of our ideas into account, you kept on informing us about everything. This way, instead of the stress we received only the excitement of the preparations. With your help, the day of our wedding turned out to be a wonderful memory remembered gladly by both us and our guests. This was the gladdest day of our lives which when remembered, no actual trouble or difficulty comes to our minds. And when asked if it was worth it, the reply would be a definite YES!!! Thank you! Ágnes Simonyi and Albert Simonyi

Ági & Albi

Dear Andi,
We've always wanted a unique and cozy wedding with multiple venues and diverse programs that represents us the most, and one that makes us and our guests feel gorgeously. We knew it was going to be a difficult and complex job impossible to effect without a wedding organizer. At the same time we worried that the wedding we planned to have few guests for being cozy would not be undertaken by anybody. But you took sides with us from the beginning, supported all of our ideas and took over the difficult parts of organizing. All the while, we were who made the decisions, you took all of our ideas into account, you kept on informing us about everything. This way, instead of the stress we received only the excitement of the preparations. With your help, the day of our wedding turned out to be a wonderful memory remembered gladly by both us and our guests. This was the gladdest day of our lives which when remembered, no actual trouble or difficulty comes to our minds. And when asked if it was worth it, the reply would be a definite YES!!! Thank you!

Ágnes Simonyi and Albert Simonyi

Ani & Balázs

Dear Andi,
We would like to thank you the help you provided us by organizing such a wonderful wedding for us! For us this will remain an eternally beautiful remembrance throughout our lives! After the honeymoon and having met You, we looked at the photos and the DVD. The snapshots and the shootings are just great! No matter how many times we look at them, they move us – you were right, the guys were professional! Everything was just excellent! Once again, thank you for the marvelous organizing!! We wish you well, and you may be certain that whenever a friend of ours will have a wedding, we will refer them to You.

Sincerely, Anita Csernay-Kovács & Balázs Csernay-Kézdi

Bea & Bernard

When we started to organize the Great Day, some of our friends asked "why do you need a wedding organizer, others may do it alone as well". I said, on the one hand we don't have the time to chase service providers and to pick from them by intuition, but what matters more is that those who you had recommended were known to you and you knew what they could provide. And this is one of the most important things, for one just cannot repeat that day, and if it turns out wrong, the meal or the music is bad or the venue is inconvenient, that's a delusion for both the couple and the guests. The other key issue for me was to have somebody there on the Great Day to control every movement from the background, and it was quite amazing and calming that you did it and you followed with attention when the cake and the flowers arrived, how the hall was decorated, how they spread the table, and if everybody arrived and got ready in time. In any other line-up, a relative or a friend should have paid attention to this, which I didn't want for that way they would have been no guests but workers. I think our wedding proved, and also our guests confirmed, how big a difference there is between a mediocre wedding and one organized by professionals. For in our wedding, everything had a logical sequence and we also had curiosities and surprises that spiced the whole thing. It may be easily seen that one who makes something for the umpteenth time, has more smattering of that than somebody who tries to grab it for the first time – and that turned out really spectacularly when patching the scenario. We wish You success and organize many nice weddings!

Bea Rácz and Bernard Tomlinson

Bea & Péter

Dear Andika,
What we owe thanks for is the most beautiful day of our lives – and that's something we will be grateful for you always! Love:

Bea Győrfi-Forgács

Dóri & Julien

Dear Andi,
Thank you for your patience and the many help you provided! It might have not succeeded without you. Though with you we had a nice wedding and we are grateful for that!


Ciao Andrea!
Thank you very much for your help again! We had a real enjoyable fun, and I hope you did too! :)


Dóra Földesi and Julien Janson

Kinga & Tamás

Dear Andi,
Thank You for helping us outline and realize the events of the Great Day and enrich them with juicy programs. We are grateful, for we have been feeling all the time that for You and your professional, eager and committed team it was a matter of conscience to have everything perfect. We felt serenity and confidence while heading for the Day we'd been waiting for; that day we were blissfully happy. The many-many commendations we've pouched so far behoove You and your fellow colleagues. :) We wish that you possibility to overjoy the many couples you may meet by organizing them their dream wedding!

Kinga Bányai and Tamás

Niki & Márk

Kedves Andi!
Nagyon köszönjük az esküvőszervezést, és hogy a Nagy Nap során felmerült valamennyi kérdést megválaszoltad és a bonyodalmakat mosolyogva és könnyedén elhárítottad, megkönnyítve ezzel a mi dolgunkat. Mind a mi véleményünk, mind pedig a vendégeink visszajelzései alapján minden nagyon jól sikerült!

Nagyon köszönjük Neked Niki & Márk

Zsanett & Szabolcs

In August 2009 we had Andrea as the organizer of our wedding and we were very pleased by the work she put in it. She works with a professional team, and since we have been living abroad for years, it would have been very difficult for us to carry it out this way. My dream was to have a simple, though selective wedding with outdoor ceremony, delicious meal, very good musicians and a professional photographer. The realization was more then we could ever expect, everybody felt really good. The decoration was fantastic though my idea was only the color. The musicians played along pleasing everybody, and all guests danced all night long. The meal was frenetic and the photographer captured the very mood of the ceremony and the party. Andrea unburdened many trouble from us, since we had only 3 months to organize all, and she tried to fulfill all of our wishes fitting in the budget we'd set. Since then, all of our friends and family members keep noticing what a fine party we had and how fine they felt all night.

Zsanett Wéninger and Szabolcs Sándor

Zsófi & Gábor

Dear Andi,
By now I've arbiterred the chaos and disarray after the wedding party, and after having talked with all invitees about what had happened, it was You left to give our thanks to. Thank you for having been able to rely upon You, and, as a result, everything was just like we are: stylish, smart, not ostentatious, though willing to do everything possible for the guests so they have a frenetic experience. Everybody adored the excellent soup, the main dishes, the delicious decoration, the wonderful flowers – and one just couldn't have expected more. Everything was just excellent with You and Móni and Zsu and Orsi (though men might have been peering at the "talents" Zsu had... :-). Thank you for everything! "That was a good day" (like the song title of L. Dés says).

Cheers, Zsófi and Gábor

By the way! One of our neighbors asked us: "Has the rain washed you out, aint't it?" We told yes, the ceremony a bit. And she told: "Well, that's enough, ain't it?" So I told: Well, it wasn't trouble. – and then I realized: why should I just explain it to her, she wouldn't understand that this was only a little part of the Whole. :-)


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Viki & Zsolti Budapest - Paris Express

Gyöngyös & Csabi The Tale of the Red Pig on the Balaton

Fanni & Laci Shakespeare in love

The Way It Happened

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